DIY Patchwork Denim

DIY Patchwork Denim

Ohhh how we love transforming old pieces (or new!) into something special. We started with a denim jacket and then a skirt, then shorts, and well, we just couldn’t stop. So here’s a super simple tutorial to transform your any piece you want in your closet!

DIY Patchwork Denim  DIY Embellished Denim  DIY Patchwork Tee

  1. Gather your supplies - hankies, vintage fabric, doilies, cotton, crochet, table cloths, sheets, etc. Use what you have or go thrifting, head to a fabric store, wherever you please. ☺️
  2. Pick your piece you want to embellish. - we did a denim jacket, denim skirts, denim shorts, and t-shirts. So anything will work!
  3. Lay out your fabric pieces and pick your design. Don’t be afraid to mix and match patterns and textures. The layering is what really makes these transformed pieces!
  4. Once you have picked your patterns, color schemes, and coordinated your pieces, lay it out on your selected clothing item how you want it.
  5. Now it’s time to pin it and sew it on! (If you use any doilies, don’t be afraid of sewing them on, they do just fine!)

That is IT. So simple but adds so much character to any piece - one of our favorite things to do. 

Fabric  Denim SkirtDIY Patchwork Denim  DIY Patchwork Denim

DIY Patchwork Denim  DIY Patchwork Denim

Happy DIYing!


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